


乳酸钠 Sodium Lactate
我公司出品的乳酸钠50%,是以纯天然高品质L(+)乳酸为主要原料生产而成的L-乳酸钠,本品为无色或微黄色微粘性澄清液体,温和的咸味,无气味或稍带特殊气味。 It is the sodium salt of L(+) lactic acid produced by fermentation. It is a clear, hygroscopic and syrupy solution. Sodium lactate is registered in Europe as a food additive with the reference E325. This product complies with the specifications of the Food Chemical Codex (FCC V).
基本信息Essential information
化学名称Chemical name (L+)-2-羟基丙酸钠 CAS 867-56-1,72-17-3
分子量Molecular Weight 112.06 分子式Molecular Formula C3H5ONa
  调味料;PH值调节剂(如用于酒精);风味改进剂;焙烤食品(蛋糕、蛋卷、饼干等)的品质改进剂;保温剂;防冷剂;抗氧化增效剂;乳化剂。 Seasoning; The PH regulator (such as used for alcohol); Flavor improver; Baked foods (cakes, egg rolls, cookies, etc.) the quality improver; Heat preservation agent; Against the cold; Antioxidant synergist; Emulsifier.
技术指标Technical indicators GB25537-2010
L-乳酸钠L-Sodium Lactate 乳酸钠溶液Sodium Lactate
色度Color (fresh solution) ≤50黑曾Hazen ≤150黑曾Hazen
含量Assay ≥50%
L-乳酸钠占总乳酸钠的含量 ≥95% ----
PH 6.5-7.5
氯化物 Chloride ≤0.05%
硫酸盐Sulphate ≤0.005%
铅(以Pb计) Lead ≤2 mg/kg
重金属(以Pb计) Heavy metals (as Pb) ≤20 mg/kg
还原糖 Reducing Substances (Sugars) 通过实验
柠檬酸盐、草酸盐、磷酸盐或酒石酸盐 Citrate, Oxalate, Phosphate, or Tartrate 通过实验
聚乙烯塑料桶装,净重250kg/桶,25kg/桶或1.2吨IBC集装桶。1200 kgIBC, polythene drums of 25 or 250 kg.

  上一条产品: 乳酸钙 Calcium Lactate
  下一条产品: 乳酸 Lactic Acid